Friday, February 8, 2019

On the Wrong Side

"On the Wrong Side, Every Time"
written for and performed at tonight's WHS Amnesty Coffeehouse

Embarrassed by men
Embarrassed by white people
Embarrassed by Americans
Embarrassed by people.

All this embodied in our President
  Cloaked in toxic masculinity
  Enabled by whiteness
  Empowered by short-sightedness

My vote denied,
Every piece of me is on the wrong side

Maybe the reign of Man is over
Maybe the reign of America is over
But, for every DJT there is an AOC...

My kids, my beautiful, mixed race, grandchildren of immigrants three times over kids!
They are American too
and they can flip my wrong side
over to a brighter side.

If this white male wants a great future (never seen before)
rather than
the tired old one brought back again,
Maybe there is hope after all.

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