Thursday, November 15, 2012

Where's He Get it From?

Me to Chongers: "Seriously, am I the funniest Dad you ever had?"
Chongers: "Yes, but, seriously, am I the funniest son you ever had?"

4 years old and he's already one step ahead of me..

Monday, November 12, 2012

Veteran's Day

 One of my father's best friends growing up was a cousin of his.  They were born the same year and they spent lots of time together while growing up, but when the Vietnam War started, they had very different feelings about that war.  My Dad's cousin enlisted, became a Captain in the Army and was killed shortly before my parents got married in 1969.  When they were expecting their first child (me!), later that same year - they decided to name their child after his cousin. 

I always knew this story, but I only actively think about it upon certain occasions: when I used to meet his parents (my great uncle and great uncle, both of whom have now passed away), that day I found his name on the wall in Washington, DC when I was sixteen and found the experience unexpectedly emotional, and today, Veteran's Day.

My father turns 70 this year, I am turning 43 soon - but I am thinking of you Kenneth Robert Sawyer who died at the age of 26 over fourty years ago.