Sure, I'm proud of the recent publication of my physics book for Barron's. However, there was another. Back in 2005 or so, my first crew of AP Physics students at Swampscott noted my complaints about the textbook we were using ("Mr. Rideout, you should write your own textbook!" "Maybe I will, maybe I will"). Well, at the end of the year, they bound all of my various handouts from throughout the year and presenting me with the OG Rideout physics textbook. Apparently I was still doing my most excellent Commander Riker impression back in those days (Nowadays, my current students don't even know who that is so I haven't done my most excellent impression in quite some time).
I believe this effort was about 97 % Erinn Phelan, but any of the other students listed in the masthead should feel free to set the record straight! Reading some of those names this evening took me right back. I hope they remember the fun times we had - I certainly do.