Friday, May 4, 2012

Sebastien, School, and Truthiness

Me: Chongers, why did you bite that teacher at your school?
Chongers:  I didn't bite a teacher!
Me: Don't you lie to me, I know they called Mommy in the middle of the day to come get you!
Chongers: Daddy, it was the Lunch Lady.
Chongers: I don't play shooting games at school so they won't call Mommy and Daddy up.
Me: So they have a school rule against playing shooting games?
Chongers:  Only while the teacher is watching.


  1. Atticus is the same way about rules! His teachers give him guidelines about which playground equipment he is allowed to use, expressing their concern that they have to keep him safe. He tells them not to worry, he'll only do the more dangerous stuff when they aren't watching (thus keeping them from worrying about his safety).

  2. haha! that a smart kid? or a sneaky, dangerous kid?
