Sunday, December 23, 2018

Tears, Empathy, and Fatherhood

It's a rocky road for a narcissist to get some empathy.  Remember I'm the guy who tells all his students at some point, "I know you are all just holographic projections of my subconscious but I'll pretend to care anyway."

It all started with becoming a Dad.  I started noticing things like getting uncomfortable watching or seeing kids get hurt in movies or on tv.  Then I started actually being moved when asked to consider what being a Dad means to me (I remember a teacher workshop about identity when we were asked to put four important pieces of our own identity in the corners of a piece of paper and then tear one off at random and to consider what it would feel like to suppress that part of you for a day.  I had to leave the room to 'get a drink of water' when mine came back missing "Dad").

Image result for it's a wonderful life george angryThis weekend, we watched "It's a Wonderful Life" for the first time as a family. ("Let's get it over with" was Sebastien's comment when we asked if we should watch it now or later in the holidays).   I was just blithely being bemused by my enjoyment of such an unoriginal activity on our part, when George Bailey came home and started lashing out at his own family.  Warm streaks were running down my face and Isabelle had to pat me on the back in confused sympathy as I wondered what kind of monster-with-feelings I've become.

The Dalai Lama really is onto something: Compassion is something you can learn and get better at!

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