Monday, December 21, 2009

Doctor "Doctor"

I recently came across this excellent blog (curtesy of my friend BG) all about the misuse of quotes:

It's one of those great ideas that you read and think "why didn't I do that?"

Reminds me of an incident in the science office a few months back when a student came looking for a colleague.  This colleague has an MD and therefore uses the title "Dr" - the funny thing is that the student put the title in quotes with her fingers while she was talking as if the title were an affectation... "I'm looking for 'Dr' _________"

At one of my previous jobs, a fellow teacher called all of us "Dr": a person of learning or respect being his operative definition (see #7).

People with PhD's go by "Doctor" routinely which reminds me of a great line of Randy Pausch's posthumous book The Last Lecture that went something along the lines of "My mother introduces me to friends as 'my son the doctor - but not the kind that helps people' " (he had PhD in Computer Science)

And then there's my favorite "Doctor" (quotations marks, of course, completely superfluous and, most definitely, never to be used in the air with my fingers!):

1 comment:

  1. I am so guilty of using unneccessary quotation marks.
