Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Swag: Then and Now

So, this may come as a shock, but I've always been a bit of an odd duck.  When I was a young man, I thought wearing school branded clothing was a bit tacky.  (well, truth be told, I didn't really think about it at all but I certainly wasn't interested in doing it - only in retrospect do I give it the label 'tacky').  Now, in my *ahem* more mature years shall we say, I think it would be cool to have some swag from my alma maters, Purdue and Carnegie Mellon.  Despite spending 3 years at CMU and 4 at Purdue, I do not have any school branded merch.

But, here's the trick:  Just wait long enough and the swag will find you.  My technique was to grow up to become a high school physics teacher.  Part of that job entails writing letters of rec for students.  Occasionally one of those students goes to one of your alma maters.  And, then, rarest of rare, that particular student will thank you with some select swag.

Thank, KB!  It all worked out in the end for the Then-Ken and the Now-Mr. Rideout!

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