Thursday, August 3, 2023

Tree vs. House

The Banyan is an interesting tree.  It makes new trunks from roots that hang downward from its branches.  After several of these 'take root', eventually the tree appears to be walking across the landscape.  Interesting to me as I always associate the branches of the trees with things deep and philosophical.  But if you can grown new roots off of new branches of life, that's pretty deep too, huh?

These trees are ubiquitous in Taiwan and we snapped several pictures of interesting looking ones as we toured the island:

This last picture was of a place called "Tree House".  Since mistranslation and mysterious use of English words in rampant in Taiwan (if I had a nickel for every random T-shirt with english words (as in, made for Taiwan; not simply imported from an english speaking country) I saw Taiwanese people wearing...), I didn't really imagine it would be anything to do with a  literal House+Tree.  (I was thinking maybe a Teahouse or an old Chinese place that was called something that was a homonym with Tree... I thought lots of wrong things).  

The entire old abandoned warehouse (for salt!) was taken over by some of these trees (maybe one originally?) and now is a tourist attraction. 

Tree vs. House.  Tree wins, every time.

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