Friday, August 22, 2014


Something funny happened on my way to a monocle...I got old. I really noticed this when reading out the names at last spring's award ceremonies - turns out when the paper you're reading is on a podium, you can't just extend your arms to bring everything into focus...

Am I Buying a Fish or Teaching Myself to Fish?

My friend, GG, would be proud.  Last year I paid a chimney sweep a ton of money to sweep out all the chimneys (probably hadn't been done in 5 years).  I watched him carefully, bought myself a brush for $25 and did the wood stove chimney myself this year.

Inspired by this, when Drano didn't clear up the slow draining shower this week, I ran to home depot and bought a $15 auger and snaked that pipe out myself.

Now, what I'm not telling you about is the burst pipe and the disassembled sink that have yet to be fixed, but 2 out of 4 ain't bad, right? Oh, and the yard is over-run with weeds.  Let's focus on the positive, people!

Why exactly is home ownership part of the American Dream, again?