Thursday, February 9, 2023

The Burden of Modeling

 "I've never turned down a modeling gig" I said to my students the other day.

Truth be told, I was asked (by SS from the Green Team) if I would like to model some repurposed, up-fashioned, recycled, hand made or thrifted clothes.  I said sure without much of a plan because I think it's cool that we have a Green Team and a Sewing Club and that they co-conspire to showcase that fashion doesn't have to be slave-wage, high turn-over, cheaply produced, environmentally unfriendly etc.

Luckily my student NC adopted me and offered to stylishly up-fashion an old pair of torn jeans of mine with some sweet patches.  Then SL loaned me a hand-made shirt she had fashioned for her husband.  Ta-Da, my slow fashion look was complete:

please do not note how this noob must look at where to put his feet during his 'walk'
Thanks to DE for providing the picture

The day before, an email was sent out to teachers to dismiss students early who were participating in the show in order to get ready.  For whatever reason, I was listed right alongside of all the students as if I needed permission.  My office-mates were mightily amused and posted this on the wall inside our office:

Fame has its price I suppose...

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