Saturday, May 2, 2020

Chopping Wood and Manliness

Today I got around to chopping some wood that I had previously sawed into appropriate lengths for our wood stove (in windy weather, our large oak trees will occasionally lose a thick branch).

As I lifted the heavy axe high above my head and (not every time, but often enough!) swung it down straight and true, cleaving the wood into two clean pieces,  I thought to myself, "Is there anything more manly?"  Breaking stuff with an implement of destruction, using almost all of your muscles but letting gravity do the real work.  Lots of stuff to unpack there, huh?

Indeed, the movies agree.  Start to notice the number of gratuitous men-chopping-wood scenes, it has amused me to no end to see how this trope never gets old:

Captains Kirk and Picard
Michael Landon Characters: Charles Ingalls Film: Little House On ...
Little House

My personal Fav:  Jean Marais in La Belle et la Bete

(The first two pics were  found without even really trying.  I was so upset that google could not cough up the image of Jean Marais I was looking for, I had to play the movie on my TV and take a snapshot.  You're welcome, internet, for this photo contribution.)

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