Monday, October 26, 2009

Physics Rap Part Deux


Lean in close - I ain't gonna hurt ya
All I wanna do is talk inertia.
what it is is a property of motion
Measured by mass, big like the ocean -
Could be small, like your IQ quotient
hoverin' near zero / Newton is my hero

Your natural state
is to sail sweetly
not come to stop
Aristotle was wrong
Galileo was right -
to stop takes a fight
Wooo - this rap's outta sight!

"Look at me -
How fast I go!"
Universe don't care;
No  - no - no.
If V is constant -
then A is zero / Newton is my hero

Listen up, follow my flo -
To the moon we shall go.
Little ole "g" is smaller you see.

On the moon, weight is puny
Tiny tiny forces, kind of cartoon-y
Stubbed your toe, kind of lame -
Forget your mass is the same?
Shame shame shame-
So lighten up dear-o / Newton is my hero

What's up with all these crazy crazy forces?
Like U2 - riding wild horses:
Speed it up or slow down,
Twist or turn - you still a clown!
All that changin'  V over delta t?
It's force over mass quite simple-y
Nothing to fear-o / Newton is my hero
Hurt and confused, need amelioration?
You got forces, but no ex-celioration?
For you - might be big conundrum;
Simple equilibrium - humdrum humdrum:
Net force is zero / Newton is my hero

I push you - you push me
We're a happy family
With a pair of forces
one for each
We push equal opp'sitely

Standing on giants' shoulders
Seein' further over boulders
Keep these laws near-o /Newton is your hero

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