Monday, October 12, 2009

Rules, Impulse Control, and Dune

In years past I have shared with some of my student my "three rules for life":

1. Don't Rush
2. Balance
3. Live within your means

Of course, as I usually point out, all three of these are really all about balance.

The "Don't Rush" rule is about balance in time:  Enjoy the stage of life you are in. If you keep rushing to get to the next stage... well, we all know what the final stage is, don't we?

"Balance" I usually explain in terms of short term happiness vs. long term goals, selfishness vs. living for others, planning vs. carpe diem etc.
Rule #3 is self-explanatory but useful to point out in a society consumed by debt.

Lately though, I've been thinking about replacing the short list with "Impulse Control".  There is a great scene in Frank Herbert's Dune where the main character must survive a trial of pain (the gom jabbar): his hand is placed in a box where the nerves are stimulated with incredible pain but he must leave his hand inside as he knows the test giver will kill him if he pulls it out.  Rational intelligence over animal instinct.   Impulse Control. 

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