Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Plato's Cave and The First Science Lesson

If you are not familiar with the allegory (or just want a refresher), click here for a three and half minute intro to it. This should be the first lesson in science.  Forget the scientific method or proper measuring technique or interpreting graphs:

We experience directly only narrow slices of the rich universe we live in:

Colors we see: red through blue

(but nature goes much lower than red and higher than blue)

Temperatures we feel:  from about -20 degrees Celsius to 100 degrees 
(but nature goes as low as -270 and up to the 100's of billions in Supernova explosions)

Speeds we experience:  from zero to 350 m/s (the speed of sound)
(but nature goes as high as 3,000,000 m/s - the speed of light)

Timescales we notice: 0.2 seconds (human reaction time) to 80 years 
(but nature goes from 10-44 (the Planck unit of time) seconds to 15 billion years (the age of the universe))

sounds we hear: from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz
(but nature creates pitches into the billions of Hz)

Distances we can experience directly: .000001  to 10,000  meters
(but nature goes from 10-35 (the Planck unit of length) to 1026 (the size of the observable universe))

We really are just stumbling around in the dark without science to help us out!

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